Software downloads

The PA Lab has taken all care to ensure these programs are operationally sound. However, these programs are supplied ‘as is’ and no warranty is provided or implied. The PA Lab assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential that may result from the use of these programs.

  • VESPER (Variogram Estimation and Spatial Prediction with ERror)
    Useful for mapping soil properties and yield (properly)
  • FuzME (Fuzzy k-Means with Extragrades)
    Useful for making within-field management zones
  • Other software from ACPA

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Education and publications

THe PA Lab offers a range of rources, from Textbooks, to PA papers, publications, articles and other book and journal listings.

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Projects & initiatives

GGA FSTC project – Better rainfall forecasts for grain growers

The Faculty of Agriculture and Environment, in partnership with GrainGrowers and supported by funding from the Australian Research Council, has commenced a project that will combine the weather data collected on-farm by most grain farmers with existing data from the Bureau of Meteorology (and elsewhere), to develop a new type of very local seasonal climate predictor.

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GRDC Strategic Research Initiative

The Future farm program is focusing on the challenges of increasing grain industry profitability and safety by optimising the use of inputs, enabling new farming practices and the automation of routine processes. As part of the analysis, the grains sector has identified that further improvement in nitrogen use efficiency is required to optimise within-field crop canopy, yield and quality management.

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